God took a terrible situation and used it to deepen and bless relationships in Berlin, Germany.

"We feel God used COVID-19 to invest in deep relationships with a few people directly around us," said Ryan McMillan, who serves with his wife, Brea, in Germany's capital city. "Before COVID, we were trying to reach lots of different people all over Berlin. With lockdowns and restrictions in place, we were forced to stay in our neighborhood."

McMillan said this was a blessing because they were able to deeply invest in the people around them, sharing their hardships and struggles with one another.

"We got to share how our only hope in life and death is that we are not our own, but belong to God, and that God is our refuge and strength," he said. "Having joy amid a pandemic is not normal, so it led to many Gospel proclamations."

Ryan McMillan grew up in Hugo, where he attended Hugo, First, and Brea was raised in Dickson, where she attended Dickson, Faith Southern. They both went to Southeastern Oklahoma State University, where they attended the Baptist Collegiate Ministry. It was there that they felt God calling them to full-time international missions.

"It was clear to us from beginning to end in the Bible, that God has a heart for all nations and for all people to worship Him," McMillan pointed out. "The vision in Rev. 7:9 of all peoples worshipping around the throne has gripped our hearts, and we want to use our one life to make Christ known among the nations."

McMillan noted that in their area of Germany, they are reaching people for Christ by doing ordinary things like eating, drinking and using the gifts that God has given them.

"We have people in our homes for dinner multiple times each week, and we regularly meet people for coffee," he shared. "During these times, we have intentional conversations about who God is and what He has done on our behalf. We are open with people about how our faith impacts every aspect of our lives, asking how we can pray for them and inviting them to acknowledge how God is already at work around and in them."

They intentionally use their passions and hobbies to reach people. Brea engages with young moms and families, and Ryan has joined an American Flag Football team, where he seeks to share the Gospel and start new Bible studies.

The McMillans acknowledged that their biggest need on the mission field is prayer.

"It is our hope that Oklahoma Baptists would join us in sacrificial prayer, not only for our family, but also for the people of Germany," McMillan said. "Germans are in the top five of least reached peoples in the entire world. A few years ago, Berlin was voted as the most secular city on the planet. We covet your prayers for God to open the eyes of the people and to save them."

Because of the generous giving of Oklahoma Baptists through the Cooperative Program, an amazing array of ministries are supported. This unified giving encourages fellowship with other believers all over the world. Collectively, Oklahoma Baptists are advancing the Gospel together.

The McMillans were featured in the 2022 Missionary Prayer Guide for Oklahoma Baptists. To see more information about their mission work, visit oklahomabaptists.org/cp