Casa De Dios Baptist Church – Cúcuta, Colombia

In February 2019, an agreement was established between First Baptist Church Cúcuta in Columbia and Central Baptist Church Barquisimeto in Venezuela, sending the missionary Francisco Chavez and his family to establish a new church in Cúcuta. Pastor Francisco and his wife, Eneida Vazquez, had been working in Venezuela planting and establishing a church for more than 9 years. In March 2019, this missionary family arrived in a neighborhood of the city of Cúcuta. A group of brothers and families began to meet through Bible study meetings at sister Sheila’s house, .

A whole process of evangelism began with the people in that community. They began Sunday services, started afternoon prayer services at sister Sheila’s house, and discipleship in different homes. They continued in that way until March of 2020. During the pandemic (March to October 2020), Pastor Francisco held family worship at his home every Sunday and used a sound device on the sidewalk to share the message of the Bible with the whole community. In November 2020, the temples reopened due to government authorizations. It should be noted that from that date onward, our mission entered a new stage of greater growth and continues today.

They moved to another neighborhood of the city and currently they are having two services every Sunday at 8:00 am and 5:00 pm; Tuesdays at 5:30 am, and a Wednesday prayer service at 7:00 pm.

On Thursdays, they work in two different places within the city which they call “Missionary Zones”. The first one is “Chapinero 1” led by sister Flor Garcia. The other one is” Chapinero 2” lead by sister Lice Briceno.

Every Saturday morning they have Bible classes for kids and teenagers. Then at 3:00 pm, they have music school which includes guitar and keyboard lessons. At 4:30 pm they have a meeting just for the girls called “The Girls’ Auxiliary Society”, led by Eneida. Every two weeks, Eneida meets with the women and Pastor Francisco meets with the men.

Throughout these years of work, they have always seen the support and hand of God. They have had the unconditional support from the Samaritan’s Purse delivering food during the pandemic. Medicines and medical clinic establishments have been given Bibles and printed Biblical material.

After completing everything required by the DBC (Colombian Baptist Division), the church was established on October 28, 2021, as a legal and formal church! Thank you Lord. The one who sustains us and planted this church by His grace and will. To God be the glory for everything He has done, is doing, and will do!