07 Romans & Gospel Saturated Living
This episode marks the beginning of a three-part episodic series on the Book of Romans and the key truths that comprise its foundation. Firstly, Romans is a gospel-saturated letter. The Apostle Paul's boldness to unashamedly proclaim the gospel is a message for the world. Garrett, Cory, and Sarah share how the gospel was revealed to them and why it's important. Come along with us as we commence on the themes of Romans as Pastor Garry has laid out in our current sermon series - The Book of Romans: The Power of God for Salvation.
0:00 Intro to Romans.
2:30 What has the gospel meant to you?
14:42 What does a gospel-saturated life look like?
22:07 In our culture, what makes it difficult to be close to God?
28:04 Sponge illustration.
32:10 How has the church encouraged you?
40:50 Outro & announcements.