Deedee Gallegos
Special Needs Ministry Coordinator
Dedra “Dee Dee” Gallegos is the Ministry Leader of the Light of Mine Special Needs Ministry. For many years Dee Dee, her Husband, Michael, and Son, Tad, have not been able to attend Church as a family due to Tad’s unique abilities. Once Tad aged out of the nursery there wasn’t a safe and sensory friendly place for him in the church which made it difficult for them to attend as a family. Dee Dee knew in her heart she had to make a change not only for her family but for all families with children with unique abilities. Her goal was to create a special place designed for students of all ages with special needs to learn about Jesus in a loving, supportive, and safe environment. Dee Dee envisioned a place where every person with a disability finds hope, dignity, and their place in the body of Christ. A place that allows parents and caregivers to experience worship with their family and not worry about their special loved one, because they are getting their own worship experience in their safe and sensory friendly environment. With the Lord’s guidance, prayer, the support of the Church Leaders, Church Family, and Volunteers- The Light of Mine Ministry came to life. The name “Light of Mine” was chosen because of the song- 🎶 this little light of mine🎶- and how it not only represents sharing Jesus’ light with others but also a representation of this ministry- on spreading awareness and promoting “inclusion” at church for our special needs community. This ministry will allow families to attend worship service, feel the support and love of a church family and be included and involved…while being spiritually fed. If you have a child/adult with unique abilities or would like to volunteer with this Ministry please contact Dee Dee Gallegos @ (580) 380-5311